Caught a movie "Dance of the dragon" with dd last night @ PRINCESS!!! It's quite a nice place where cheap & retro comes to mind. It's only $10 for tickets of 2!!! Better try it before this kind of places be long gone. Not much theater that's like this left in Singapore. Other than those playing indian movies & R RATED (R(A)) flims that those chi ko pek goes to and shake?!! You should know what i mean.. Hee..
Anyway.. The starting 10mins, there's only the two of us in the whole theater!!! Then a couple came in and sat at the front and a group of 3 sat at the back after that. They're like damn noise at the back. Felt like walking back to ask them to keep their mouth shut..
Well, the show's not very good. It's nice but a little too artistic. Not that I'm not a artistic person but i'll only give 2.1 and a half stars. So.. people who easily get bore, DON'T WATCH IT!!! Cuz you'll definitely dislike it. Hmmm. The Korean guy is gorgeous, our girl is simply elegant. Poses?? Great!! The dance?? Lolx. They're not good enough to do such artworks. But i have to say that Fann Wong is the only presentable female artist that Singapore can give. Anyone else?? Don't think so.. Don't you agree??
This is how my ticket is like!!! Nice?? Haha..
Starting of the scene wor..
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