Got home bout 1 plus. Sat on a emo bus with nobody other than me. Guess what?? I got into the ECNAD DANCE EXPLORER programme. Finally i could get some SLEEP!!! Emo in a way that i couldn't get to be an ECNAD DANCE PERFORMER cuz I'm pretty new to this genre and gotta train harder on my technique. Attended one of their Contemporary Class. It's a little difference from what i've learned from CEMTA. Trying really hard to master it!!!
As usual.. Some girls are nice, some girls laughing here and there throughout and the very most typical kind that acts like they're damn good where they actually sucks to the cord and split and split and people will like WOW!!! YOU'RE A DANCER!!! Damn sad to say that she reminds me of a guy that i use to know. Sigh. Come on!!! Perhaps it's time to grow up... KIDS!!!!
Anyway. Did lots of roll over.. rolling and rolling all over the place, felt like a mop!!! Haha. Did a couple of routines, did something similar to a cartwheel and another thingy that's similar to handstand using the bar. Don't really know how to explain it but it's pretty cool and fun at the same time throughout the whole class. Gotta learn more and prepare for a better piece for my next audition!!! No excuse this time!!! I'll work hard for this!!! Blehx=p
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